Member Choir Spotlight: Music Association of Auckland
We’re always pleased to welcome new Member Choirs to our NZCF community, and this year we’re thrilled to say “nǐ hǎo” to the Music Association of…
2022 Cadenza & Finale Choirs Announced
We are thrilled that all nine of our region the Big Sing festivals were able to go ahead without disruption this year
Introducing our new NZCF Chair
We are delighted to announce that former Vice Chair Warwick Harvey has been elected as NZCF’s new Chair.
Juliet Dreaver awarded Life Membership
Juliet Dreaver, our dedicated Governance Board Chair of the past four years, was awarded Life Membership last month at our Annual General Meeting.
Four Distinguished Service Awards
We are delighted to announce that four incredibly committed NZCF members have recently been awarded NZCF Distinguished Service Awards for service to…
Meet our newest member choir: Medena Ensemble
We love welcoming new Member Choirs to our choral community, and this year we’re thrilled to welcome the Medena Ensemble from Auckland.
50 years on: Auckland University Festival Choir
In April 1972 the Auckland University Festival Choir set off to participate with choirs from fifteen other countries at the Third International…
An ode to Zoom choir rehearsals
We love hearing from our members and were delighted to receive a clever poem from Julia Banks of Cockle Bay, Auckland, about the current reality of…