If you have news that you think the rest of the NZ choral community might wish to hear, see our news policy below, and get in touch at comms@nzcf.org.nz.
eBreve’s advertising policy
Any upcoming events (including concert notices and choral festivals) are considered to be advertising and a charge is made.
Past events are considered to be news (no charge; see our News Policy to the right of this box). Read more about advertising in eBreve.
Deadlines for eBreve
Copy for eBreve should be received by the 25th of each month. However, copy for the website can be sent at any time.
News policy
Articles should be of national rather than local interest. Where the focus is on an individual choir, articles will only be accepted if the choir is touring to multiple centres in more than one region, if there is an innovative initiative or collaboration involved, or if the choir is celebrating a signfiicant milestone (eg 50th anniversary).
Free member choir CD reviews
Member choirs can request a free review of their new CD recording (100-150 words), to be published in eBreve. CDs should be posted to the NZCF office and arrive at least four weeks before the deadline for eBreve.
Back copies of eBreve
For pre-2021 issues of eBreve, click here.