Let's Get Singing!
A video series to help you fill your classroom with song
In each video, a different presenter will take your class through a physical and vocal warm-up before teaching you all a song, step by step.
Every video comes with sheet music, a lyric video, a backing track, and helpful teacher notes, so you can keep your class singing and learning beyond your first video viewing.
We're here to help you get your tamariki singing
Singing is such a great way to improve the wellbeing of your students. It promotes hauora, creativity, learning and self-confidence.
Group singing can help you to include - or to include more - tikanga Māori and reo organically throughout the day. It is also a way to acknowledge and engage meaningfully with the wide range of cultures and heritages, through the languages and songs of our diverse ākonga. The great thing is, singing is free - and every child has a voice!
If you work in a primary or intermediate school or kura, and would like help getting your students singing, NZCF would love to help.

Thanks to funding from the Ministry for Culture & Heritage, we offered free professional development workshops around the motu during 2023 and 2024 to help teachers kickstart singing in their classrooms.
Learn more about our workshops here.
With funding from the Ministry for Culture & Heritage, in 2023 and 2024, we delivered one-on-one mentoring, pairing classrooms teacher with experienced song leaders.
Find out more about our mentoring programme.