Choral Vacancies
Is your choir looking for a music director, accompanist or more singers?
NZCF can help in a number of ways:
- Paid advertising on our website under this section in eBreve
- Concert and Events listings for member choirs (list your event)
- Our 'Find-a-Choir' facility on our home page which is connected to your choir's own online profile: a good reason to keep it updated
- Download information about remuneration for choir directors
Advertisements for vacancies for choir directors, or other key roles, may be placed here for up to three months at a cost of $85 (NZCF member choirs) or $170 (non-members) - this includes up to three insertions in our monthly NZCF eBreve newsletter and the relevant regional events newsletter. Click here for more information or contact office@nzcf.org.nz to place an advertisement.
Seeking Musical Director — Tawa U3A Choir
We are seeking the voluntary services of an accomplished choir leader for 2025 and beyond.
Tawa U3A Choir is a choir of around 30 singers that meets in Tawa on a Monday afternoon between 1 and 2.30 pm. We work towards presenting two or three sing-outs a semester and enjoy singing music arranged in parts.
The choir was established in 2013 and some of our members have been with the choir since that time. In 2025, we would want to continue with the songs we are learning and possibly add some new material.
There is a management committee that takes responsibility for finances, membership and administration. Reasonable expenses will be paid.
Please contact Gail Milner at milner_family@xtra.co.nz to discuss in more detail what the position entails, the range of music we perform and the skills and experience you would offer.

Seeking Choir Leader - Gale Force Gospel Choir, Wellington

Gale Force Gospel Choir is an ‘a cappella’ choir of around 40 singers that meets on a Monday night, 6 – 8pm @ St Andrew’s on The Terrace, in Wellington. Currently we follow school term dates. We are a diverse group, reflecting a range of backgrounds and beliefs, that come together to sing because we love the genre of gospel music.
The choir was established in 2011 and some of our members have been with the choir since that time. A large part of our extensive repertoire is based on Tony Backhouse’s arrangements of gospel songs from the southern United States We also sing some spiritual songs from African, Pacific Island and Māori cultures. In 2025, we would want to revisit songs we have sung in the past and also learn some new material. Our extensive resource folders would be available to you.
We usually do a a couple of performances a year, singing in 4 or 5 part harmony. There is a management committee that takes responsibility for finances, membership, admin.
This is a paid position that becomes available in March.
If you would like more information, contact
Judith Shearer

Seeking Accompanist — Rangiora Community Choir

We are seeking the voluntary services of an accomplished accompanist with very good sight reading skills for 2025 and beyond.
Our choir meets in Rangiora on a Wednesday evening between 7 and 9 pm. We are a group of around 30 who work towards presenting two concerts a year and enjoy singing music arranged in 3 or 4 parts.
The position attracts a nominal honorarium distributed annually.
If you wish to explore further how you might contribute your talent to our choir please contact our Musical Director, Merle Brown (03 3126469) to discuss, in more detail, what the position entails, the range of music we perform and the skills and experience you would offer.

Seeking Musical Director - Highland Harmony Choir, Dunedin

Highland Harmony, a mixed a cappella choir, is seeking a Musical Director to start March/April 2025. Our MD of more than 10 years moved on in 2023 and we have since had several short-term directors.
We are currently a group of 16 who enjoy the camaraderie and fun of singing together in 3 or 4-part harmony. Whilst traditionally our musical focus has been almost exclusively barbershop, we are extending our repertoire to include other styles as well. Barbershop however, remains our sweet spot and over the years we have competed successfully in national barbershop competitions.
Highland Harmony started 27 years ago and sings at community events, shopping malls, retirement villages and occasional concerts.
We rehearse weekly Monday nights at 7.15pm at St Patricks Community Rooms, South Dunedin.
We are looking for an enthusiastic leader who has experience in leading a choir, will prepare and lead practices and performances and is able to source and teach new material. They will be supported by an administrative committee and a Music team. Though not a paid position, a nominal honorarium will be paid monthly.
We are a friendly bunch, keen to progress in our singing and would love to hear from you if this opportunity appeals.
For more information contact Ian Donnelly: iandonnelly52@gmail.com

Seeking Song Leader — Kāpiti Gospel Choir

Kāpiti Gospel Choir has been running for 14 years, the last 10 under the leadership of Shona McNeill. Sadly Shona has had to resign as our leader and we are looking for someone to take her place.
Our choir currently has around 60 members and we sing ‘a cappella’ and without sheet music or words, learning purely by ear. We enjoy singing 4-part harmony (SATB). We love to sing a mix of traditional African American spirituals and work songs, plus songs from around the world with a ‘spiritual’ feel. We sing a lot of Tony Backhouse arrangements.
We perform 2-3 concerts a year, usually at retirement villages, and sing Christmas songs at Coastlands Mall each Christmas.
The choir practices are on Thursday evenings at the Paraparaumu Baptist Church Hall, 77 Ruapehu Street, Paraparaumu, from 7.00 – 8.30pm (this could be extended to 2 hours if preferred). We follow the school terms and take a break in school holidays. Our management committee looks after finances, membership and admin.
We are looking for a song leader who can continue with the legacy our previous leaders have left, who enjoys teaching without sheet music, and loves the type of music we sing. We have extensive resources which would be available to you, and all lyrics and recordings are placed by the song leader on Dropbox for members to access.
This paid position becomes available in Term 2 (beginning 1 May).
Applications should be addressed to kapiti.gospel@gmail.com.