2024 Finale & Cadenza Awards
1 Sept 2024

Heartfelt congratulations to all the choirs that participated in The Big Sing Finale in Wellington, and Cadenza festivals in Hastings, Timaru and Rotorua, this August. Thank you for your brilliant performances, and for the generous support you showed to your fellow singers.
The awards for the national Finale and all three Cadenza festivals are listed below. These awards are just a snapshot of the incredible efforts of the 60 choirs involved, who each gave performances that moved and delighted their audiences. Once again, congratulations to all involved: the choristers, directors, instrumentalists, vocal coaches and support staff.
Video recordings of all Finale performances are now on our YouTube channel. To stay up to date with The Big Sing, follow us on Facebook and Instagram. You can also subscribe to our free monthly eBreve digital newsletter to keep in the choral loop.
29 – 31 August | Michael Fowler Centre, Wellington | Download the full programme
All The King's Men | King's College | Bronze |
Avondale College Gospel Choir | Avondale College | Bronze |
Bel Suono | Waikato Diocesan School | Gold |
Blue Notes | Tawa College | Silver |
Cantare | Westlake Girls High School | Gold |
Choralation | Westlake Girls and Westlake Boys High Schools | Gold |
Euphony | Kristin School | Gold |
Femme | Southland Girls' High School | Bronze |
Fortissimo | Dilworth School | Gold |
Kentoris | St Kentigern College | Silver |
King's College Kappella | King's College | Silver |
Leonessa | Takapuna Grammar School | Silver |
Ngā Korimako | Wellington Girls' College and Wellington College | Silver |
Paradisum | Epsom Girls' Grammar School | Silver |
Rāwhiti | Wellington East Girls' College | Silver |
Resolutions | Rangi Ruru Girls' School | Silver |
Rewaken Polycation Choir | Manurewa High School | Silver |
Saints Alive | St Cuthbert's College | Silver |
Seraphim | Chilton Saint James School | Silver |
Serenata | Rangitoto College | Bronze |
St Cecilia Singers | Diocesan School for Girls | Silver |
The Centennial Choir | Mt Albert Grammar School | Gold |
Voces Luce | Queen Margaret College | Gold |
Voicemale | Westlake Boys High School | Gold |
Finale — Special awards and trophies
Hutt City Trophy for Best Performance of a NZ Composition: Choralation, for O Magnum Mysterium by Chris Artley
Tour Time Trophy for Best Performance of Choral Art Music (non-New Zealand): Cantare, for Kotoba-asobi Uta by Ko Matsushita
Auahi Kore Performance Award for Best Performance of a piece with a text in te reo Māori: Blue Notes, for Ngā Atua Māori by Jack Baker and Te KuraHuia
Audience Impact Award: Rewaken Polycation Choir
At Cadenza, each choir receives an award named after one of New Zealand’s iconic singing birds. In order of excellence, starting with the highest level, the awards are: Tūī, Korimako (Bellbird) and Wharauroa (Shining Cuckoo). In addition, there is a special award for the best performance of a piece in te reo Māori.
Upper North Island Cadenza Awards
24 & 25 August | Sir Howard Morrison Centre, Rotorua | Download the full programme
Auckland Girls' Grammar School Choir | Auckland Girls' Grammar School | Korimako |
Black Watch Singers | St Cuthbert's College | Tūī |
Boystrous | Kristin School | Korimako |
King's College Cantorum | King's College | Tūī |
Luminosa Armonia Chorale | Tauranga Girls' College | Tūī |
Macleans College Chorale | Macleans College | Tūī |
Sacramentum | Sacred Heart College | Wharauroa |
Stella Voce | Long Bay College | Tūī |
St Paul's Chamber Choir | St Paul's Collegiate School | Korimako |
St Paul's College Choir | St Paul's College | Tūī |
The Fundamentals | Rangitoto College | Tūī |
Voci Vivaci | Rotorua Girls' High School | Korimako |
Best performance of a piece in te reo Māori: Sacramentum, for their performance of Te Aroha by Te Puoho Katene, arr. Lilia Carpinelli.
South Island Cadenza Awards
16 & 17 August | Craighead Diocesan School and Sacred Heart Basilica, Timaru
Download the full programme
Ancora | James Hargest College | Wharauroa |
Aurora Voices | Burnside High School | Tūī |
Bedean Choir | St Bede's College | Korimako |
Cantrices | Christchurch Girls' High School | Tūī |
Cantus Columba | Columba College | Korimako |
CSC Verse 15 | Central Southland College | Wharauroa |
Dimensions | Southland Boys' High School | Wharauroa |
Ovation | Marlborough Girls' College | Korimako |
Polyhymnia | Queen's High School and King's High School | Korimako |
St Margaret's College Chamber Choir | St Margaret's College | Tūī |
The Nautilus Chorale | Otago Girls' High School | Korimako |
Vivace | Villa Maria College | Korimako |
Best performance of a piece in te reo Māori: St Margaret's College Chamber Choir, for their performance of Ohana i runga rawa by David Hamilton.
Lower North Island Cadenza Awards
12 & 13 August | Toitoi – Hawke's Bay Arts & Events Centre, Hastings | Download the full programme
Ad Lucem | Napier Girls' High School | Tūī |
Altissime | Samuel Marsden Collegiate School | Tūī |
Colla Voce | Havelock North High School | Korimako |
Con Anima | St Patrick's College, Wellington | Tūī |
Jubilate | New Plymouth Girls' High School | Korimako |
Jubilate | Queen Margaret College | Korimako |
MANifesto | Palmerston North Boys' High School | Tūī |
Saints Unified Choir | St Peter's College | Wharauroa |
Singquisition | Nga Tawa Diocesan School | Korimako |
St Dominic's College Choir | St Dominic's College | Wharauroa |
Te Rau Aroha o Hukarere | Hukarere Girls' College | Korimako |
Tira Tawa | Tawa College | Korimako |
Best performance of a piece in te reo Māori: Altissime, for their performance of I Te Pō by Rob Ruha.