An interview with Miki Magasiva, director of TINĀ
We chatted to Miki about all things choir and the bonds we make through music.
A new structure for NZCF
Read about some key changes in the way we operate regionally and nationally.
Introducing our new team members
We're pleased to introduce Hannah Dahlke and Claudette Martin, two new members of the NZCF team.
Looking forward to Choral Connect '25
Introducing the Guest Choirs and International Guest Presenter for our choral conducting conference.
Teapot Valley Choral Camp's final summer
Dawn Brook, Teapot's Executive Officer, writes of the camp's joyful last hurrah.
IFCM Youth Committee meets in Istanbul
Kiwi Sam Nicholson, representing Oceania, reflects on the committee's first in-person gathering.
Your favourite Christmas carols
We asked for your top holiday songs — here's a list of your picks!
Sweet Adelines shine on the world stage
Two Sweet Adelines choruses have returned from an international competition with impressive honours.