Teapot Valley Choral Camp 2024
25 Jun 2023

The Teapot Valley Summer School committee has announced Tecwyn Evans as the conductor for the 22nd annual choral school in Nelson’s Teapot Valley. A New Zealand chorister originally, Tecwyn is now a sought-after conductor in Europe and is currently the Artistic Director of the Aalborg Symphony Orchestra in Denmark.
Tecwyn has put together an interesting and varied programme of short works under the title Expanding Horizons. The programme features European, American and New Zealand composers from Brahms to contemporary times, including the iconic Warum ist das Licht gegeben by Brahms. Eight days of rehearsals will culminate in a performance at the Nelson Centre of Musical Arts on January 21, 2024.
The school is for those of all ages who love to sing and want to challenge themselves and have fun at the same time. For more information, including about the financial assistance available, particularly to younger singers, see www.teapotsummerschool.co.nz. Registrations open in mid July.