Hear the Kids Sing
5 Jul 2021

5 August 2021
The sound of children’s voices will ring out in Auckland, Hastings, Nelson and Whanganui in August and September when the next batch of NZCF regional The Kids Sing festivals are held. Details of each festival are below. Further Kids Sing festivals are scheduled for Hamilton, Tauranga and Wellington in October-November.
AUCKLAND, Tuesday 17 and Wednesday 18 August
During daytime sessions, competitive choirs present a recital comprising one compulsory piece and two pieces of their own choosing. Choirs entering non-competitively choose their own repertoire. All choirs receive constructive feedback from the adjudicator, David Squire. Evening Gala Concerts offer each choir the opportunity to showcase some of their songs and sing in a massed performance of the compulsory piece. Each gala culminates in an awards presentation.
Times: Daytime sessions are Tuesday 9.25am-11.05am; 11.55am-2.05pm; Wednesday 9.25am-11.20am; 11.55-1.50pm; 2.40pm-4.50pm. Gala concerts Tuesday & Wednesday 6.30pm.
Where: Auckland Town Hall
Admission: Daytime sessions $2 at the door; Gala concerts $22.
Book here
HASTINGS, Wednesday 25 August
15 choirs comprising over 550 children will perform three songs each, plus a massed song to finish. All choirs will receive feedback from adjudicator Jayne Tankersley. The morning sessions will culminate in two evening concerts to showcase the choirs.
Times: Daytime sessions: 9.30am – 1.15pm. Concerts: 5.00pm and 7.30pm
Where: Toitoi Hawkes Bay Arts & Events Centre (Opera House)
Admission: Morning session: $5.00. Evening concerts: $10.00 adults, $5.00 children, $25 family
Book here
NELSON, Tuesday 31 August – Thursday 2 September
Twelve school choirs from the Nelson region will be performing two contrasting songs and a massed choir song “I Love Life” by local songwriters Kath Bee and Doug Stenhouse. Each day the students will rehearse their songs and learn new choral skills from the guest commentators Costa Simpson and Megan Flint. In the evening they will perform all their songs for their whānau and friends in the NCMA Auditorium.
Times: Daytime sessions 1.00-3.30pm each day; Concerts: 6.00pm -7.30pm each evening.
Where: Nelson Centre of Musical Arts
Admission: Daytime sessions: koha at the door; Evening Concerts: $16 adults; $6 children (plus booking fees)
Book here
WHANGANUI, Wednesday 1 September
Primary and intermediate school choirs from Whanganui and Manawatū will perform a programme of their choice, and children’s choir specialist Nicola Holt will lead them all in a massed song that they can take back to their schools.
Times: 9.30am-2.30pm
Where: Prince Edward Auditorium, Whanganui Collegiate School
Admission: Adults koha at the door; school pupils free. All welcome.