The Kids Sing around the motu
5 Oct 2023

Randwick Park School's Psamony choir, singing at The Kids Sing in Auckland. Photo: Jonathan Christiansen
It’s Kids Sing season! Our Taranaki choirs are always first out of the blocks, with their Kids Sing running in tandem with The Big Sing in June. Then from August through to early November, regions around the country roll out their dedicated Kids Sing festivals in Nelson-Marlborough, Manawatu-Whanganui, Auckland, Hawkes Bay, Wellington and Waikato-Bay of Plenty.
The Kids Sing June – September 2023
New Plymouth, 14 June
Three choirs took part, each singing three songs in the beautiful TBS Showplace. They were adjudicated by Peter Walls, and our thanks go to Big Sing/Kids Sing Coordinator Jeff Grange.
Held in the Motueka Memorial Hall, a total of 125 children from four choirs sang two songs each, then joined together to sing Pepeha by Six60. Costa Simpson was the Guest Commentator and our thanks go to Coordinator Hilary Sinclair.
Five choirs comprising over 150 students from four schools took part in the festival, held in the Prince Edward Auditorium at Whanganui Collegiate School. Helen Willberg commentated on the choirs, motivating them with some great warm ups and leading them in three massed items. Thanks to The Kids Sing Coordinator and regional NZCF Chair, Roy Tankersley.
A total of 37 choirs and over 1700 young singers took part in The Kids Sing over two days in Holy Trinity Cathedral in Parnell. Peter Watts was the adjudicator and conducted a massed choir at the gala concert each evening in Chris Artley’s On the Road of Life, which is the IFCM World Choral Day Anthem for 2023. Thanks to TKS Coordinator and regional NZCF Chair, Penny Christiansen.
Hastings, 13 September
580 children from 16 choirs/10 schools took part in the Hawkes Bay Kids Sing, adjudicated by Chris Atkinson. Choirs sang up to three songs in the beautiful Toitoi Opera House in Hastings. Our thanks go to TKS Coordinator Georgina Cole.
The following Kids Sing festivals are coming up in October - November 2023
Waikato-Bay of Plenty, 26 October
Venue: Southwell School, Hamilton
Session time: 9.00am - 1.00pm
Coordinator: Julia McIntyre julia.mcintyre@southwell.school.nz
Wellington, 7 November
Venue: St Mark's School, Dufferin St, Wellington
Session times: 9.30am - 10.45am; 1.00pm - 2.15pm
Coordinator: Jenny Gould jenny.gould@marsden.school.nz