Te Kotahitanga
Manu Reo o Aotearoa

The Kids Sing across Aotearoa

The Kids Sing across Aotearoa

4 Sept 2024


The Kids Sing is in full swing around Aotearoa! 

Five regional Kids Sing festivals have taken place so far this year, including in Dunedin, where the event had its regional debut. Thousands of primary and intermediate school students around the motu are discovering the joy of choral singing as they perform for audiences of their peers and families — some for the very first time. And more good news: there are three more festivals still to come in September and October! Read on for details of festivals past and upcoming.

Taranaki | 10 June

The Kids Sing 2024 kicked off with Taranaki in June, where The Kids Sing runs in tandem with The Big Sing regionals each year. Seven primary and intermediate schools performed at New Plymouth's TSB Showplace. Our thanks go to TBS/TKS Coordinator for Taranaki, Jeff Grange, and his team of volunteers for bringing this festival to life.

Choirs performing at The Kids Sing Taranaki

Dunedin | 26 June

Hot on the heels of the Taranaki festival, the first-ever Dunedin Kids Sing was held at the University of Otago College of Education where, as reported in the Otago Daily Times, there were "more singers than space"! (The Times article is accompanied by a lovely video montage of the event.)

We're thrilled by the enthusiastic uptake by Dunedin schools and the prospect of this event growing as it returns in the coming years. Thanks to Carole Randall, Ben Madden and the team for making it happen.

Students performing in a massed choir at The Kids Sing Dunedin

Nelson | 21 August

In August, it was Nelson's turn, with 135 students in five choirs performing two songs each before joining together for three massed items. These were led by children's songwriter Kath Bee and garnered a standing ovation from students' families and friends. Congratulations to the team, led by coordinator Lucy Rainey, for bringing together this joyous occasion. 

Nelson choirs performing at NCMA

Auckland | 2–4 September

Two more regions have held The Kids Sing in the first week of September. Auckland's festival grew to span three days this year, with 40 choirs — a record number! — taking part over 2–4 September. Each day's sessions were capped off by an evening gala concert which ended with adjudicator Andrew Withington conducting the combined choir in Mark Patterson's O Rushing Wind. Many thanks to Maria Winder and the volunteer team for the success of this event.

Auckland choirs performing at Holy Trinity Cathedral

Wellington | 4 September

Wellington's Kids Sing also featured a record-breaking number of choirs, with 19 from across the Wellington region taking part. The event was held for the first time at the beautiful Samuel Marsden Collegiate in Karori. Our thanks go to Jenny Gould who coordinated the event as well as MCing and conducting a choir! 

Wellington choirs performing at Samuel Marsden College

Upcoming events

Over September and October, The Kids Sing will pop up in three more regions around the motu. The details are listed below. If you're in the neighbourhood, we warmly invite you to come along and support our brilliant tamariki.

The Kids Sing East Coast | Wednesday 11 September

  • Toitoi Hawke's Bay Arts & Events Centre
  • Sessions: 5.30–6.30pm; 7.30–8.45pm
  • For tickets and a list of participating choirs, head to the venue's website

The Kids Sing Manawatū/Whanganui | Thursday 19 September

The Kids Sing Waikato/Bay of Plenty | Thursday 31 October

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