Big news for Tour Time
1 Dec 2023

Congratulations to our long-time Big Sing sponsors Tour Time, who recently underwent an exciting evolution in the growth of their business when they were acquired by global brand Inspiresport and Destination Sport Group.
Whilst they now form part of a wide global family of sporting-based tour operators, the Tour Time team are keen to reassure their loyal choral friends and clients that nothing will change for you! The acquisition in fact brings a world of opportunity in the future for their whole range of products from Music and Education to Sport and beyond. They now also have the global buying power of being part of the largest sports touring company in the world.
All the faces you know and love are still there to support your Choir and Music Tour requirements, but their team is now growing, with new faces joining their experienced staff…all this growth means there are more resources available to create bespoke choral and music tours for your choir. And because nothing changes at the core of the business, Tour Time continues to be your industry-leading music tour specialist in New Zealand and Australia.
The relationship between Tour Time and the choral community in Aotearoa remains strong through their continued long-term sponsorship of The Big Sing, so please contact them if you have any questions, or if you would like to start chatting about your next choral/musical adventure!