For all choirs
- A school may enter as many choirs as it wishes, and more than one school may combine to form a choir. Community children’s choirs may also participate.
- Conductors, accompanists and backing musicians may be adults or students.
- Audio backing may be used where appropriate.
- Microphones may be used if appropriate to the musical style, e.g. vocal jazz.
- Choir directors and accompanying adults are responsible for the supervision of their choir/s at all times.
- The school must hold a current OneMusic licence. to apply for a licence, call 0800 663 486.
- Schools may photocopy up to five copies of each original piece of music for use with the school choirs as long as the school holds a current OneMusic licence.
- We encourage all choirs to learn the festival song (in regions where this applies) and/or one work by a New Zealand composer, although non-competing choirs are welcome to choose any repertoire.
- During the event there may be photographers taking photos. Please inform your students that there may be photos taken which may be used at a later date for publicity and seek permission from their parents if this is in accordance with your school policy.
- Schools and parents may record or photograph their own choir’s performance but no flash photography is to be used.
- Choir directors will be requested to provide the Regional Coordinator with one published or clear manuscript copy (or words where no written music exists) of each piece to be sung. This is not required for choirs giving ‘performance only without feedback’ (see Levels of Entry 2a).
- Some regions may offer sound checks, determined by time constraints within the schedule. Whatever decision is made by the organising committee for that region will be applied to all choirs entered for that region’s event, irrespective of choice of accompaniment.
For choirs giving a graded performance
Each choir must present a varied programme of three pieces of up to ten minutes total aggregate performance time, which includes a composition/arrangement by a New Zealand composer, and the festival song selected by the region in consultation with the adjudicator.
- Primary (CP) competing choirs should perform at least one piece in parts, or with a descant.
- Full Primary/Intermediate (FP) competing choirs should include at least two pieces sung in parts.
- All members of competing choirs must be involved in that choir’s performance, although some solo or ensemble work is also permitted.
- A competing choir should have at least 12 singers, with no maximum number.
- Full Primary (FP) choirs will be assessed at a slightly higher standard to the Contributing Primary (CP) choirs, reflecting their different stages of development.